September 22, 2012
Eames House of Cards at Artprize presented by Scott Christopher Homes and Via Design
The building community comes together to create massive house of cards…..
Nearly 10,000 cards in all were decorated and assembled. The end result was a massive display of community art work.
A few fun facts about the effort:
- 5600 cards were decorated by West Michigan school children ages k – 12 from 43 different schools
- 1500 cards were decorated by students who participated in the Eames Office Chair camp
- 1800 cares were decorated by the general public during he initial build at Rosa Parks Circle
- Approximately 800 additional cards were decorated by Art Prize participants
House of Cards was deigned by Charles and Ray Eames in the 1950’s. these picture card decks have become universal favorites, and are represented in the Mo MA collection. Each card depicts a different familiar object from the animal, mineral or vegetable kingdoms. Six slots on each card enable the player to interlock the cards for building their dream house (of cards.)